Business Membership

A Business Membership to the Museum of Old Newbury shows your support for preservation of the rich cultural heritage of Old Newbury.  Both history and the arts are pillars of a vibrant community, and we strive to offer both residents and visitors unparalleled access to these cultural treasures. 

The support of the local business community is paramount to our efforts.  Together, local businesses and cultural institutions create a dynamic, thriving community where residents can live, work, play, and learn in their own backyards.

A Business Membership entitles you to many exciting benefits and opportunities for collaboration with the Museum of Old Newbury.  A membership not only enhances your business’s community involvement, but also offers valuable perks like recognition in the museum’s print and web materials, and free or discounted use of our program facilities.  

We would like to thank our current Business Members:


Click below to browse membership levels and sign up online, or call 978-462-2681 to request a Business Membership packet by mail.